Friday, 16 May 2008

Depression or Life?

This is my recent contemplation.

Am I still depressed, after a year on antidepressants for PND, or is this just the way I am, having crap days where I don't want to do anything, which can become weeks, then suddenly I have the burst of energy and everything is rosy?

Is this my life? Sure, everyone has bad days, and maybe I am just someone who has more than most, and I should just get on with it.

Haven't wanted to do anything for the past 3 days....went to bed early last night, and still didn't want to get up this morning...I have a pile of ironing which I must do today, which isn't too bad, I can cope with that, but the decorating needs finishing in our bedroom, the landing still needs doing, the bed needs changing, kids rooms need tidying, still haven't planted the pansies in the front garden, and I just can't face it all. It's enough to get myself organised to figure out what to make for tea, pick eldest up from school, and try to keep 1yr old this life?

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