Wednesday, 10 November 2010

6 months catch up....

Well, where does time go? Briefly, mum has gone back North, only to decide she doesn't want to get back with my dad, and wants to move back down here again! Though she now has to wait for the sale of dad's flat to afford to move, and pay for the divorce! I had a weird dream last night that she was getting married, but the guy hadn't even proposed yet but she had the date set the dress booked etc etc! lol! Probably how she would do it if she could.
Therapy finished, then a couple of months later I cut back my ad's to 20mg, as apparently I had been on 40mg too long, and that was knocking me out. I felt as though I was sleep walking thorough life, dropping of to sleep if I sat still for more than 20 minutes, and feeling too tired to do anything. Had blood tests to check thyroid etc, to make sure it wasn't anything else making me tired. Still feel tired a lot, but not as bad. Still struggling to get on top of housework, or get any motivation. Planning my sisters wedding next year has been great, helping her organise everything has occupied quite a bit of my time. Spending more time with my kids, trying to be a better mum.
Had a meeting with the school about my son and the possibility of dyslexia last month, and they had a test they do at the school, which they ran, and it came back as 'some dyslexic tendencies' but nothing too concerning, though they said it was a little early to tell as he should be 8 and he is only 7... he has come on leaps with his reading, writing is still terrible, and spelling is abominable, bit like mine, and we are having a review with the school at the beginning of December, when the head checks all the 'special needs' kids with their reading standards. So will see what happens over then next few months. He still has one on one tuition, so I am just pleased that he is getting the help he needs really and not trying to fix him with any label.
My sister who was going off the rails is now protesting her undying love for her hubby and everyone one else is now a hypocrite or jealous. Keeping a bit of distance from her as don't want to get dragged into her woe is me life when she has no consideration for anyone but herself. I could be dying and it would still be all about her. My other sister is getting married next year and asked me to be chief bridesmaid, which was lovely and unexpected. So she is in the throes of getting ready, only 3 months to go! And my brother split from his wife for a couple of months, had us all running around him, as you would for family, and has gone back to her, which I am glad about, but now don't hear much from him again. Still, he is happy so that is what counts.
I have been getting migraines, pre menstrual and ovulation ones, so I know when to expect them, and after one horrendous one a few months back and having hubby call for an ambulance, I saw the doctor 3 times and ended up with extra strong pain killers, and the order to take paracetamol every day for a week leading up to migraine attack times! As it is, I have not had such bad attacks since, though I am officially late this week and so I am waiting for a big one to hit me.
Well, think that is my updates done. Off to finish my glass of red, and watch a bit more tv before bed. night all xx

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