but it pours.
Visiting family over the holidays, my eldest was sick for 3 days, and had diorrea, and on the night we all went out for a family meal, my mum had an accident, tripped up a step and dropped my 1yr old! Thinking she was fine, I took her home and put her to bed, she slept for about an hour then woke and would not settle.
Finally I realised there was something wrong with her leg, so took her to A&E at midnight...examinations, and an xray later, we find she has a broken leg :( finally get a 'back slab' on after giving her morphine and paracetamol and we make it to the children's ward at 5am, when she is wide awake and wants to play!!! Goes to sleep at 6am, and by 10am my other half comes to relive me so I can go get some sleep, as we were told it would be anytime from 1 - 4 pm before she got a pot on and was released, after seeing a pediatrician, due to it being the 2nd time in 7 months she has been into hospital. The 1st time was when I was carrying her at a hotel, down a corridor to breakfast, and some silly idiot thought it would be a good idea to have 2 steps in the middle of a corridor! I went flying, badly sprained my ankle, but thankfully she was ok. She was not so fortunate this time! They were home at 1pm, after getting a pot on at 11.3o and the pediatrician saying there were no worries! So she is dragging her pot very well, her teeth seem to be causing more bother!
Then last night, my other half began writhing in pain at midnight, but refused to go to hospital, saying it would be ok. Still in pain this morning and is due to see the doc any minute. Thinking gallstones or kidney infection....
So it is just me that is well so far! And after two weeks I have managed to loose 3.5lb! Total loss now 9.5lb! Woo hoo! Bought my slim-into dress in the sales, vibrant red! Hung it where I can see it to keep me focused!
Gotta go, baby crying.....
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