Friday, 19 October 2007

Don't have much to say....until I start....

After posting one of my secrets I am petrified that my other half is going to find out and divorce me...either that or lock me up for being insane!

Then I worry that this is a problem, as surly I should be able to share these things with him? But I find I cannot...scared that he will think he married a crazy woman and ask for a divorce, and I am even more scared that I wouldn't be bothered...

Why am I soo messed up?

On another note, we had our son's first Parent/Teacher evening last night. He is where they expect him to be for his age, but has a problem following orders, say they ask him to do a..b..c, he will go c, a, where am I? His dad has told him he has to listen to his teacher and do as she says...'are you listening?' Poor boy, my heart went out to him watching him squirm on his chair...But when he was praised for the good things he is doing, he got a 'well done, see you can do things right.' I am a little worried that being too harsh on him will only turn him into some kind of messed up child who thinks he can never do good enough for his parents, and that his best is never enough... maybe I am being oversensitive? In the school holidays I am going to try and sit him down for a short time each day and work on his letters and writing...

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