Tuesday, 9 October 2007

The morning after the night before....

So, after switching off the computer and climbing into bed to sleep...my brain fills with 101 things to blog - typical!

By 2.30am I tell the voice in my head that has all the great ideas and witty remarks that never seem to come out when I am in public, that I really MUST go to sleep now...oh, but don't forget our conversation so that I can blog about it tomorrow...And what happens? I forget half...ok all of it! Why is that?

So, after having at least 6 great witty, insightful comments...I can't think of one! But, fear not, I will try for all of you out there (ok, for anyone, anyone? out there who has stumbled on a mad woman's ramblings)

Why is it (or is it just me?) that you have great conversations with yourself in your brain? But when it comes to getting things out in public, you turn into a bumbling, nothing to say, uninspiring person?

And why can't I sleep at night? I tossed and turned most of the night, half of it dreaming about my blog and what I would write (only to forget it!) and half of it wondering if it was time to get up, as then I would probably fall asleep!

Ah well, I suppose the lesson is, when the inspiration comes...BLOG! Just a shame my inspirational moments are when I am supposed to be sleeping! This will not help me get my life in order...

So, unless I have a bolt of inspiration tonight, I will post tomorrow hopefully with something more worthy!

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